Autism & ADHD Evaluations

What do they look like?

Getting set up in the portal

We begin by getting you set up in the portal. This is where you will enter your demographic information, sign consent forms, enter payment information, etc. Payment can be in the form of a regular credit/debit card or an HSA debit. The cost for an autism evaluation is $3,500. The cost for a combined autism and ADHD evaluation is $5,000.

Self-report measures

I will send you some measures to complete on your own. There are about 5 for you to complete, and 1 for another adult in your life to complete from their perspective (on the topic of social relations), this can be a partner, friend, or family member. These measures look at overall autistic traits, camouflaging behaviors, social responsiveness, and sensory processing. If including the ADHD evaluation, you will receive 2 additional measures looking at ADHD specific traits.

Clinical Interview

We will meet for a 2-3 hour interview via video call. This will be a time for us to discuss background information and go through an in depth clinical interview that discusses a bunch of autism traits. This evaluation method allows for more details and nuance related to your experience. Combined ADHD evaluations are 3-4 hours in length and contain clinical interviews for both autism and ADHD. The payment is due in full at this meeting.

Feedback session

About a week or two later, we will meet a second time for about 30 minutes to go over the results. I can answer any questions and we can discuss recommendations. Following this meeting you will receive a short report containing diagnosis and recommendations.